![The Golden Vessel](https://i0.wp.com/www.pauliemugo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Golden_Vessel_Cropped-2.jpg?fit=1228%2C1207)
17 Oct “I will Pour Out your Worship..”
On the morning of Friday 6th October 2017, I joined a group of fellow Believers in prayer and repentance for our nation, as we have been doing for a while.
We began with a wonderful time of praise and worship and then went into individual prayer, as usual.
And as I knelt down to pray, the Lord showed me a Vision.
In this vision I saw a beautiful, beautiful vessel. It was shaped like a “V” and looked much like a vase.
At the top of this vase were the most beautiful jewels I have ever seen in my life.
I will never forget the beauty of it!
As I gazed upon this vessel, I heard the following words in my spirit:
“This is Platinum.”
I couldn’t understand what exactly this meant and why the Lord was showing it to me. So at the end of the session, I stood up with everyone and went back to my seat.
Pastor Fred Kilonzo, our leader for the day, then began to share from Exodus 3:1-12.
He reminded us how God had promised the Israelites that they would one day worship Him at Mt Horeb, as a sign that He had truly delivered them from captivity.
And as Pastor Fred was speaking, the Lord took me back to the Vision.
This time, I saw the same vessel but I could also see very beautiful gems, of many different colours, pouring into it. It was a most wonderful sight to behold, so full of beauty and awe!
I prayed again, and asked what this meant.
“This is your worship, flowing into the Father’s heart,” He said.
By this I understood the Holy Spirit to mean the worship of the entire group, not just mine as an individual.
I was amazed.
But then I began to notice that the vessel was surrounded by a deep darkness. So I asked what this meant.
“This is the state your country is in,” He said.
I stored these things in my heart, and continued to fellowship with my brethren.
After a while, Pastor Fred took us to another scripture, this time from the book of Isaiah.
It was Isaiah 60:1:
“Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”
As I pondered this Word, the Lord again took me back to the Vision.
This time, He showed me the Platinum vessel before my eyes, and another smaller one, a little further away.
This one was made of gold and was shaped like a jug, with a round bottom and a handle on the side.
Again I asked what this was.
The Lord explained that the vessel was unique, and was shaped that way to hold our worship.
Stunned, I asked how this could be. How could a vessel hold our worship? I have never heard of such a thing.
So I asked for a Scripture, which He immediately gave:
“Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” Revelation 5:8.
So I understood.
And then the Lord said this:
“If you will worship Me, I will gather your worship together and pour it across your land.”
By this I understood that if we purpose to worship Him, He will pour out a spirit of worship all across our nation and bring about the much-needed healing and restoration.
Glory to God, brethren! Isn’t this what we have been waiting for?
So I asked the Lord for a scripture concerning worship. And later, as I prayed, He gave me this verse, which He instructed should be the foundation of our worship:
“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” Psalm 95:6
Beloved friends, I believe the Lord has seen the state of our nation, and has heard our prayers.
But He requires our worship, and has promised that if we take time to worship Him, He will come.
Will you answer, Brethen?
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
He will come!
Liz Kimondo
Posted at 11:05h, 18 OctoberWow! Awesome truth right there. This is what I feel the Lord has been laying on my spirit. That His people MUST worship Him in ‘spirit and in truth’. The truth of right standing. The truth of a genuine heart not just mouth and action. But hearts that are truly and sincerely broken before Him. The truth of forgiveness. The truth of true brotherhood. The truth of putting aside tribal leanings and being honestly nonpartisan. The Lord looks at our hearts not our words alone or works. For we have been saved not by works but by His divine grace.
May we first leave our offerings at the alter, go be reconciled to our brothers then, THEN can we confidently approach the throne of grace where we know we will find grace to help us in our time of need. Dear Lord hear us and show us where we maybe holding iniquity in our hearts we pray. AMEN.
Posted at 11:32h, 18 OctoberAmen, Liz! It is true we MUST reconcile with our brothers, before we approach the Altar of the Lord. May this come to pass!
Posted at 12:03h, 18 OctoberMay our Lord hear the prayer of His faithful servants .Let us each do our part for the strands that bind us as a nation are strong ? God blessKenya
clare wa-Ngai
Posted at 18:27h, 18 OctoberI’m smiling…thanks Paulie Mugo
Posted at 21:47h, 18 OctoberMerciful Lord thank you for this message at such a time as this to look into hearts where we cannot hide from you to repent and worship you oh Lord.
Posted at 21:58h, 18 OctoberAmen Julie.
Posted at 10:24h, 19 OctoberSuch a profound confirmation that God speaks and confirms his Word …… even today!!!You are evidence that he does reveal “his secrets” to us if we seek Him with desperate, hungry and contrite hearts. Be blessed for your intercession, prayer princess (on the way to queen) : )
Posted at 13:18h, 19 OctoberAwesome read and instruction from the Lord. May we believers arise and worship God in spirit and in truth as we give God thanks for yes He has heard our prayers for this nation.
Posted at 03:29h, 04 JuneReading this post, post the handshakes, apologies and hugs season is just so comforting. Indeed the Lord is with us and everything we have witnessed is His to work the miracle of miracles in our Nation if only we hear His call to worship with our whole being submitting every little detail of our lives as an act of worship. Thank you Paulie.
Posted at 13:23h, 04 JuneSo true! Worship is one of the most powerful tools we have while here on earth, if only we would use it. We would see great and mighty wonders, “for in His presence, there is liberty..”