23 Oct Rebekah and the Thirsty Camels
Now, it is said that a thirsty camel can drink up to 135 liters of water, in 13 minutes.
Yep, 135 liters.
So, as I was writing my last post about Rebekah, Isaac’s beautiful bride, I had a few thoughts on my mind.
And of course I couldn’t leave them unexplored.
You see, Rebekah turned out to be a very enterprising young lady indeed.
If you recall, not only did she fetch water for Abraham’s presumably tired and thirsty servant, but she did the same for his camels as well.
And there were ten of them.
Which makes me wonder; How thirsty were these camels, after that lengthy trek from one part of the Middle East to the other?
A little thirsty? Very thirsty? Moderately so?
How much water did they actually drink?
And how many times did beautiful Rebekah run to and from the well, to accomplish this seemingly daunting task?
Doubtless you’ve asked yourself the same question, so let’s explore this a little more, shall we?
Picture this with me, if you will.
Here’s ten large camels, all lined up, waiting patiently (or not) for a sip of water.
135 thirsty gulps, that is.
And here’s Rebekah, patiently drawing water for them, one camel at a time.
Run to the well. Drop the pitcher. Let if fill. Pull it up. Hoist onto shoulder. Walk back to Camel A. Pour into trough. Patiently wait for said camel to lap it up. Pick up pitcher. Run back to well. Start process all over again.
One camel down, nine to go.
That’s if Camel A’s thirst has been sufficiently quenched. He could still be waiting for another 125 gulps, you see.
The picture is getting distressingly clear, and I’m thinking; No wonder Abraham’s servant promptly presented Rebekah with gold and other finery! Perfect wife material, this was!
At least for that time, nearly 3,000 years ago.
Now fast-forward to AD 2015 and like me, you might be thinking about yourself at this point, comparing your own enterprise (or lack thereof) with Rebekah’s.
I’m thinking; I can work at my desk for hours, draw up a mean business plan, size up a balance sheet in a sec and debate in the boardroom with the best.
I mean, I’m also very enterprising and hard-working, am I not?
But then, when it comes to matters domestic, am not so sure.
But then again, this is 2015! Surely even the likes of Rebekah would have hired some help?
But her story has me challenged, and I’m re-assessing some things. Drawing up some resolutions. Domestic ones.
Things are going to change around here, and this time for real. Just you wait and see.
I’ve even found a little gem to help me along:
“Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain”.
Watch the video; Rebekah and the Thirsty Camels
In case you’re wondering, here’s more on the modern-day Rebekah, the Virtuous Wife: Proverbs 31: 10 – 31
Judy Khanyola
Posted at 14:17h, 23 OctoberPaulie…truly food for thought. I think we have put God’s order upside down in this AD 2015..we women scoff at domestic chores but I think that’s what God intended as the order in the family..and maybe that’s why we see so many broken homes and it’s accompanying heartache
Caroline Odongo
Posted at 14:29h, 23 OctoberRebekah! I doubt you’ll find one in 2015!
Posted at 21:31h, 24 OctoberVery good food for thought, yeah time to call me for a meeting
Ozzie Daniel
Posted at 18:47h, 18 AugustIt’s a beautiful story and what a wonderful skill of sharing it on that note. I just finished sharing about the camel which is Gimel in Hebrew which means to lift a burden. You see, the camel reservoir is on its back and that is why we see the hump on the back. Which also, signifies the Holy Spirit lifting. It is miraculous how the Camel could go for days without water and months in the winter also.. Plus Gimel is the 3rd letter in the Hebrew Aleph Beyt. Three is Divine Completion.