03 Dec Video – “Rebekah and the Thirsty Camels”
The Story; Rebekah gives water to Abraham’s tired, thirsty servant – and then happily fetches water for his ten thirsty camels as well!
Makes me think – how hospitable are we today, towards our own friends and family?
Watch the video or read it yourself: Rebekah and the Thirsty Camels
Posted at 10:24h, 06 DecemberGood one Paulie. Who thinks of Rebekah? We always concentrate on the accomplishment of the task Abraham’s servant was given. It’s a challenge to selflessness and not counting the cost in terms of money ,energy, time. Service without complaining.She also did it without expecting or anticipating reward or favour. She had no clue that the kind act was ushering her into the presence of a husband!She was definitely spirit filled and working unto the Lord not man. When the spirit of God is resident in you, the attributes of the fruit of the Spirit should flow out of you.In this passage we see her kindness and goodness. . .
Posted at 11:55h, 10 NovemberI really have liked the revelation. a humble servant is led to her destiny by her good deeds. Rebekah showed love, commitment and humility getting tired for the sake of others.
Posted at 15:29h, 26 MayThank you John!